
march madness

March 21, 2013: Ralph discovers flowers.
The iris has bloomed.The daffodils from my mom-in-law bloomed just in time. Happy spring!
I am 100% more likely to buy clementines if the leaves are still attached.Baby swim shorts arrived in the mail today. (And I'm dying over them.)
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The first day of spring happened yesterday, and I'm pretty sure the temperature hasn't risen over 30 degrees all week. Madness! What does one do when one has an extreme case of the winter yucks and can't stand one more day of icy sidewalks and bitter wind chills? 

Well, for starters, one buys lots of fresh flowers and fruit. Sometimes they're expensive and they always die, but for a few days (or weeks, if you're good with flowers) ((I'm not)) they help.

One also might go an entire day without socks. I tried putting them on a few days ago, and my feet were like, NOPE CAN'T DO IT. So I didn't wear them. My bare feet were freezing all day long, but I powered through it in the name of Spring.

I'm also trying to get Ralph into the spring spirit, even though the poor child has no idea what warm weather even is. His little swim shorts came in the mail the other day, and I let him wiggle around his crib with them on. Today I realized that, besides during baths, he hasn't been diaper-free for more than a minute or two. So I stripped him down, spread some towels on the floor and we aired out his buns. He LOVED it.

Oh! And. We filled out our brackets for March Madness. It was a lot more exciting for me this year because Ryan finally explained what the numbers next to the name of each team are for. Which means I actually used a strategy this time, as opposed to picking teams based on where I'd rather live. And now our brackets are practically identical. Although, I did pick Michigan and Wisconsin to go all the way, because I have a sentimental heart. Anyway, Ryan is so excited about these basketball games. He came home from work all pumped up about the Marquette game, and then he found out we were having meatloaf and mashed potatoes for supper AND HE WAS BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS. Boys are weird.

That's all. It's still winter here. Still. What's going on with you?


  1. I love the look on his face in the first photo, he is so excited about those flowers! And naked baby booty is always adorable. Mine is always trying to crawl away during diaper changes now so I see a lot of it in a not so cute sort of way, lol. :(

  2. I wish it was still winter here, its gonna be 80 this weekend. I love the winter and it never seems to stick around long enough for us. Random 80 degree days put a damper on me. Ideally my favorite is 70. Not hot but cool in the shade, thats perfect!!

  3. NAKED RALPHIE BABY BUM!! No doubt, this is my favorite post of yours ever. ;) I agree that spring is long overdue. I went through my kids' clothes today and put away all the winter clothes and got out all their summer clothes as an act of faith. Spring MUST be close, right?

  4. naked baby bums are so stinkin' adorable! and i think that shopping for baby swimsuits is a great way to welcome spring (thanks for the reminder, i ran around last minute last year grabbing swimsuits for both me and my little one - not this year!).

    i am done with winter. it is not allowed to snow on monday.
