
the first sunny days of spring

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photo (39) The string of drool means he liked it.
Well whaddya know, Wisconsin decided to put on its sunglasses and catch up with the rest of the country. Temps have already hit the 80's and we are soaking.it.up. The past couple days have been filled with every
warm weather activity we can get our hands on. First up: the swings. The swings are Ralphie-approved, and the string of drool that hangs out of his mouth every time he gets in one confirms this.
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Strolling until the baby falls asleep has been a fun activity for me. It allows a little time all to myself outside-- good for browsing magazines, making lists, and admiring fat baby rolls. photo (41)
And naps in nothing but a dipe, with the windows open, somehow make this kid sleep longer than ever! The only thing growing in our yard right now are these sunny gals behind the garage. Also, maybe rhubarb?
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photo (44)Today is heaven.
But the best part of all of this nice weather? Parkin' it on a blanket in the backyard and watching Ralph figure out what life is like outside of the house. A happy baby with dirt under his fingernails and grass stains on his white onesie-- I dreamed about this all winter long! Putting that baby to bed and having enough minutes of light left in the sky to stroll the backyard with Ryan is the cherry on top. This summer is gonna be good, guys.


  1. So stinkin' cute! We've been doing the same things.

  2. So glad you guys are finally getting some warm weather! :)
